Appalachian Pagan Ministry was formed in response to a need that was felt by the community. It is our belief that the pagan community can, and should, come together as a whole to serve the greater community we live in.
“The Christians have a term, “witnessing your faith”, and I feel that it is a term just as relevant to those of us who follow pagan paths. “Hate comes from fear, and fear comes from ignorance. The only way to eradicate hate is to educate, and the best way to educate is by example, not talk.”– Rev. Donna Donovan
Appalachian Pagan Ministry has set certain desired goals to accomplish our mission of working in unity for the greater community.
- Addressing the needs of those of non-Abrahamic faiths that are currently incarcerated. Sending in literature & study material via snail & electronic mail, DVDs to chaplains, and now online classes
- Continued participation in local & national Re-entry Councils and Commissions
- Continued support in the Recovery Community
- Facilitate bi-weekly street outreach, providing hot meals, hygiene products, & harm reduction supplies
- Facilitate weekly Heilvegr (Heathen recovery program) meetings online & in-person
Currently, we are offering courses in Heathenry (Asatru/Odinism/etc), Wicca, Gaelic Paganism, Satanism/Luciferianism, general Native American spirituality, and a basic introduction to African Diaspora Religions. APM does not have the funding to order books for people, nor are we able to send in books directly, nor hammers and such. Books, pendants, and other items must be ordered directly from whomever the approved vendors for the facility may be. What we can, and will do, is send in the courses requested, one lesson at a time. We are funded solely by outside community donations, so feel free to have family members and friends contact us if they wish to do so.
Chaplains: We are more than happy to email you the courses we have, so that you may distribute them. We also do have DVDs available. We only provide DVDs that are produced by us. Currently, we have a 5-DVD set available. 3 are on the Heathen path and 2 are Wiccan. We are currently finishing up a set on the Norse/Germanic sagas. There is no cost for these. As with the courses, we are also able to email you the videos on the DVDs by attachment, if you would like to have them uploaded onto the tablets. We also have a Heathen 9 Step Recovery Course called “The Heilvegr” available. We also now provide online classes for facilities nationwide via Microsoft Teams, Zoom and WebEx .
This is a very troubling time for all of us in our country and in our world. Appalachian Pagan Ministry is doing all we can to support those of non-Abrahamic paths currently incarcerated to the best of our ability.